Sunday, September 15, 2013

Now what?

So, I haven't written a new post in awhile. It's been pretty depressing the last few months and Hubby and I are just feeling defeated. I was so hoping this last cycle we were pregnant. I had a really weird cycle (it was 53 days) and we did everything right and I was feeling positive but then evil AF showed up on 9/11. So, Hubby and I talked and decided it was time to go see my OB doctor and find out what our next steps are. I called my doctor and went in on Thursday. I love my doctor and her nurse as well. They are so nice to me and make me feel so welcome and definitely makes this process a little easier. I told my doctor what has been going on and she decided that I should do some bloodwork for PCOS. For anyone that doesn't know what that means, it stands for poly cystic ovarian syndrome. I'm ready to figure out what's going on with my body and get me figured out. I JUST WANT A HAPPY AND HEALTHY BABY!!!  Why does this have to be so hard? I feel like I have gone through so much in my life and why can't something like this be a little easier? I will never know the answer, I guess. And I always keep telling myself that "it's meant to be" with whatever happens. It's just so damn frustrating. Especially seeing all the pregnancy posts on facebook too. Why isn't that me? Why can't I have that happiness right now? GGGRRRRRRRRR.

So, anyways, I did the blood work on Friday morning and my next appt is on the 26th. I'm pretty sure I have PCOS. I've always thought that I had it just with my irregular cycles in the past and my hair growth on my face and around my belly button. So, what I'm thinking is once I do get labeled with having PCOS, maybe the medication my doc will give me will help me out and we will get our baby?? Maybe this is what I need.  I'm so hoping it is. I'm so unbelievably tired of trying to have a baby. And so is Hubs. We NEVER thought it would be this difficult. I'm hoping I have some good news next time I write a new post. I guess you can say I'm pretty much done with writing these kind of posts. I have been feeling so negative lately and I hate feeling this way. I really do. Thank god for my husband. He always makes me feel better and pushes me through the rough times. Thank god he got a new job!! One good thing in this whole process. Maybe it will get the ball rolling down the right path!!

One thing I've always said (even before trying to have a baby) is that I wanted a baby before I turned 30. Well, if I don't get pregnant this cycle, looks like that's not happening!! Oh well. Guess you can't always get what you want. But, if you try sometime, you just might find......YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED!!!!!! And that is a babyyyy!!!!!!

Til next time,
Megan J xoxo

P.S. Here's the Rolling Stones video and you really can't always get what you want.