Wednesday, December 21, 2016

24 weeks!

I can't believe I haven't updated in quite awhile! Sorry about that! It's been busy and I'm super glad about it! It's kind of crazy that I'm 24 weeks already. Since the last time I updated you guys, I had my anatomy scan done in November and everything is going great! Baby girl is growing right on track and my placenta had moved up away from my cervix! So excited about that and just one less thing to worry about. We have came up with a name for our baby girl and it's.... Mckenna Leanne!!! I fell in love with the name Mckenna awhile ago mostly from the movie Somewhere in Time (her name in the movie is Elise McKenna). And Leanne comes from my Mom's middle name Helene and Hubs Mom's middle name Ann and put them together to create Leanne! 

 With the holidays right here, time has been flying. I've already registered for our childbirth class in February. We have a 3D ultrasound scheduled for Valentines Day and by then, I will be 32 weeks and hoping we get some good images! My Mom and I are getting the ideas together for my baby shower in February. Hubs and I will be getting the nursery painted next month. It's pretty awesome but we are getting a FREE crib, changing table and dresser from my Hubs cousin! It's in good shape and white which is what we wanted anyways so super stoked about that and again, one less thing to worry about. We are doing a purple gray theme and let me tell you.... PURPLE stuff is hard to find for a girls room! It's ridiculous! It's all pink! Super annoying lol. We also got our registry stuff almost done. 

We are just so ready for her to be here! She has been kicking and punching away every day and man is my lower back already killing me! It's crazy. But I am so enjoying it. Love my bump, love all the kicks and couldn't be happier right now. Especially since I'm not puking anymore!! LOL. 

Well, until next time! xoxo

Megan J

P.S. Here's some pics. :)

Baby girl at 18 weeks anatomy scan

 24 weeks bump!

Our Christmas card picture for 2016 - 20 week bump

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

It's a....

GIRL!! We are so excited and can't decide on a name lol. We went to one of those ultrasound places on 10/16 with both of our parents and it was amazing! You could totally tell that it was a girl too. We are starting to get pretty excited and looking at different nurseries and colors...this is crazy. My next appt is on 11/1 with my OB and I should be getting my 2nd set of bloodwork done for the genetic work up. Then, I have my anatomy scan on 11/9 with a perinatologist and they will be looking at the placenta to see if there are any issues at the same time. I honestly don't think I'll be able to take a deep breath until all of that is over and everything is okay. I will update after all that. Until next time! 16 weeks tomorrow!

P.S. I'm attaching a pic of our girl :) and how we announced on facebook. 

Megan J

Friday, October 7, 2016

12 week appt and update

Well, everything went great at my 12 week appt last week. Heard the heartbeat for the first time and it was magical. The best sound in the world I have ever heard. My next appt is on November 1st. I still have morning sickness unfortunately (so tired of puking I can't even tell you). Can't believe I'm over 13 weeks now and in the 2nd trimester!! Very happy about that. But I have a little update. And it's somewhat embarrassing but interesting. My hubs and I have not had sex since I found out I was pregnant just because I have a feeling it won't be good. So, we've done other things in the meantime. Well, a couple days ago, I had an orgasm and about 2 minutes after, I started bleeding red a lot. I knew that something wasn't right. I got in the shower and was still bleeding a little bit. I immediately called me doctor and left a message. I was still bleeding and had a hall dollar size clot come out. My doctor just told me to take it easy for the night and come in the next day. If I bled through a pad in an hour, then go to the ER. Well, the bleeding ended up getting less and less thank god and I never had any cramping but my lower back was killing me. So I went in the next day (yesterday) and baby looks great, my cervix looks good but doc did mention that my placenta is on the lower end. So she wants me to go see a perinatologist to have them take a further look to see if my placenta is growing on the lower portion of my uterus. If it is, then I have a condition called placenta previa. Basically, that means that my placenta covers the opening of my cervix and I would not be able to do any strenuous activity or sex. Also, a c-section is definitely what I would have to do. But, I don't want to jump ahead of myself. It's actually pretty normal for the placenta to be low in the early part of pregnancy and usually after 20 weeks it starts moving up. We shall see. I'm only trying to think positive but also preparing myself for the news. I will keep you updated! But, it was a great thing to see baby again since my 8 week appt! He/She was moving around so much and it was the cutest thing ever. I have my gender check ultrasound scheduled for next Sunday and can't wait for that! I'll be 14w4d then so hoping they will be able to find it. 

Until next time,
Megan J xoxo

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

8 week ultrasound!!

Sorry I've been lagging on posting but I went on vacation for about a week and a half so been super busy. Went in for my 8 week appt on Sep. 1st and saw our baby and it's heartbeat was 167 bpm!! So crazy. But oh so thankful. I am now 10 weeks and morning sickness is in full force (since 6 weeks) and nauseous on and off all day. Food aversions are in full force as well and just feel blah all the time. So tired and no energy. I'm so ready for the 2nd trimester to get here!! Hopefully at my next appt (Sep 29th) we will get good news again! I'll be a little over 12 weeks by then. My new EDD is April 12th, 2017! Went to get my blood work done yesterday so hopefully that's all good. It's definitely starting to sink in now that I'm pregnant and have a baby growing inside of me. Hubby is starting to let it sink in too. But we still are cautious of course and keeping our guards up. We just want this to be our take home baby so bad. We are definitely still thinking positive and just hope for the best.

Well I will update at my next appt!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Our little bean!!!

I can't believe I'm putting this but I have a baby growing inside of me!!! I can't believe it! I'm 6 weeks today and I went in because I had some red bleeding last week and some cramping and with me the usual case is miscarriage. I can't believe this is real...So not out of the woods yet but this is such a huge step for me! I go in on 9/1 for my next ultrasound and I'll be over 8 weeks by then so definitely should see more. The doctor said she sees a sac and she saw a little heartbeat!!! Surreal. I'm so praying and wishing this baby keeps growing and that heart keeps beating!! Please let this be it! I seriously can't take another miscarriage!
Megan J

Monday, August 1, 2016

Pregnancy #4

Well here we go again...another BFP..

I took a test on Saturday morning just because I knew it..I've been pregnant 3 times before and it's the same everytime. Crazy.
I didn't even think that I ovulated this month because I had my progesterone tested on Day 21 and it was low. So I called the emergency line at my OB/GYN and the on call doc prescribed me Progesterone for 2 weeks. I had mild cramping on and off on Sat and Sunday, boobies hurt and some spotting which is normal if you are taking progesterone.
I just don't get excited about this stuff anymore. I won't believe it and see that it's real until I see a baby on an ultrasound. I don't look at what my EDD would be unless i'm asked. It just seems like it won't happen. Called my doctor this morning and should be getting my HCG levels drawn soon and probably progesterone too. I'm just waiting until that 6 week mark and I will start bleeding again.
I took another test this morning and the line is not darker than yesterday's so of course I'm thinking "nope this isn't it again..i'll probably be miscarrying soon."

I honestly hate this's not fun for me, it's super stressful and it's never a good outcome. But, there's nothing I can do about it other than what I'm doing now with the progesterone and getting checked. If it's not a healthy baby, then it will be miscarriage #4 and we keep trying..ugh. I'm trying not to think about that but it's inevitable. Well, until next time. Not telling anybody (hubs knows of course) until way later.

7.30 test

7.31 test

8.1 test on bottom-taken 5 min after POAS

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Starting Femara today

Well, on to the next thing for us to do. Starting my 1st round of Femara today since it was shown last cycle that I wasn't ovulating (add it to the list). I was given 3 months of the medication so if I don't get pregnant within those 3 months, then I go back to the doctor and go to the next steps. I really hope this is the answer for us. But, as you all know, I'm not holding my breath.

Until next time!

Megan J xoxo

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

If I got pregnant this cycle....

It would be a Christmas baby! That would be the most amazing gift ever...but, you know how it is for us...4 years and counting of TTC...

Monday, February 29, 2016

Fortune cookies

Got these fortunes last night...hmmmm verrryyyy interesting!

Friday, February 5, 2016

February 5th

So today is a hard funky day for me...2/5/13 I had a D&C for my 1st pregnancy due to a blighted ovum. And today, 2/5/16 would have been my due date with my 2nd pregnancy. I'm not a big fan of this date as you can imagine. And February in general. February of 2012 is when Hubs and I first started TTC. A lot has changed since then, let me tell you. I don't even remember who that person was. 

I had my follow-up HSG yesterday and it looks like I have a partial bicornuate uterus still. I will need to get the results from my doc but that's what it looked like while I was getting it done. It definitely looks WAY better than how it used to look, thats for sure. The procedure also didn't hurt as much as the first one and I'm thinking it has to do with no longer having that septum there. But, just a guess. 

So, as of right now, we will start TTC again and see what happens. I'm a little worried about it but not that much. I don't want to focus on the negative but man, is it hard not to. I'm guessing if there are any issues, I'm thinking if I do get pregnant, that the baby would be breech and I would need a c/s. But, if that's all the issues, I will take it!! LOL.

I will update once I hear from my doc the actual results. Here is a picture I found online of what my uterus looks like kind of. Can't believe it's been 4 years this month since we started TTC. What the hell...

Megan J


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy New Year!

My first blog of 2016! Can't believe it will be 4 YEARS since Hubby and I have started TTC...4 FRICKEN YEARS!! So crazy and to think about's flown and I have changed so much since then...I literally don't remember how it felt to be ignorant and excited for TTC. Ha! 

Well, I wanted to update since my surgery in November. The surgery was successful and we have started TTC this month. I've had 2 cycles since then and I should be ovulating right about now. We haven't necessarily started "trying" but we are just having sex without protection right now. I was supposed to get my HSG scheduled after this cycle started but there were issues with my doc office and my insurance not getting the referral yet blah blah. So, they resent it and now I have approval to get the HSG done which I will have to wait until Day 1 of cycle 3 post surgery. My doctor told me that he thinks I might have a partial bicornuate uterus still but we shall see. He saw on the ultrasound as much as he could and that my uterus looked good and my lining was nice and thick, but the HSG will tell the result of how the resection looks. He said there could be possible complications still with my uterus since there still is a dip. If the baby implants there, the placenta could grow outside the uterus (I forget what he called it) and I would end up having to get a c-section done and possibly might have to have a hysterectomy. But first things first, lets hope that doesn't happen! Hubby and I feel super confident now that we ever have in the past, and we really think 2016 is our year to have a baby (or to be pregnant)! I know that I will still feel super anxious and excited and scared and we pretty much just know that whatever happens, happens. We can only control so much. 

I will update next after the results from my HSG come back. Here's to hoping 2016 is our best year yet!! 

Megan J