Sunday, May 6, 2012

OPK tests

So, I'm on my 17th day of my cycle and I have been taking OPK tests since CD8. Wow...I never knew how difficult it would be TTC!!! I wasn't sure how long this cycle was going to be for me since last one was 34 days and one before that was 26 days. So, I figured some place in the middle (30 days) this time. Well, took an OPK test this morning on the 17th day and the 2nd line is definitely darker than it normally has been. No, it's not as dark or darker than the first line but I feel like I'm getting close!! Yesterday, my lower back was kinda hurting and started to feel a little crampy (which is how I normally feel when I'm going to ovulate or start my period....hmmm). This whole process is so draining and I don't know how women do it for so long. I know after awhile, I would be needing a break. Oh yeah, update on taking the Fertility test. I'm fertile!! That made me very happy. Something that's good! My hubby and I have been DTD since Friday so hopefully we get some good news soon. KMFX. xoxo

MJ :)

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