Saturday, December 22, 2012

Couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present!!

I finally got those 2 pink lines!!! YAY!! I can't believe it!! I feel so blessed and am still in shock!

I found out on Thursday morning around 645am and couldn't believe it. I took 3 tests just to make sure and they were all positive. It is so weird that to say "I'm pregnant!!". But, man do I love saying it!!

I've told the hubs, my mom, my co-workers, and hubs parents. It's pretty crazy timing since we will be seeing all of the fam for the holidays. I've decided to tell our families because if something bad does happen in the future, I know they will be there for me and support me. It just makes me think if I do miscarry, I can GET pregnant which is a huge deal for me. I'm so happy!!!

So, when I took the test, my hubs already left for work, so I kept it from him all day! It was so excruciating! I told the girls at work and they were screaming and so happy for me. Remember my last post about my co-worker getting pregnant? Well, we are such good friends now and I have been there for her since the beginning and we are so close even more now!! God does work in mysterious ways, doesn't he? So, I got home around 530pm on Thursday and was thinking of a good way to tell the hubs. So, I wrapped the 2 pregnancy tests in christmas wrapping paper and put it in a bag. Gave it to him and said "I want to give you an early Christmas present. You need it for Christmas eve!" haha. His face was so funny. So, he started unwrapping it and it fell out into the bag and he said "Is it a knife?" Wow. That's my husband! So, he looked at them closer and noticed what it was. He was in shock too and had the biggest smile on his face and we hugged for 5 minutes straight. Hehe

My mom freaked out too of course and we told Hubs parents through Skype and they were super happy too. I am so excited now to read some books, and just be pregnant! My first doctor's appt is next Friday so I will be 5 1/2 weeks then. Will update you then!! :) :) :)


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