Monday, August 10, 2015

Miscarriage #3

Well, there you have it...#3. And I pretty much knew it was coming. Same exact symptoms as the last two. And then the spotting at the 6 week mark. And then nothing on the ultrasound. And then more bleeding and cramping. And then miscarrying. Story of my life.

Today, I went to my doctor and he wants me to get more blood work done since it is my 3rd loss. He is concerned that I've had bleeding at 6 weeks in all of my pregnancies. So am I. There might be an antibody that is attacking the fetus or something else going on. He also wants to have my hubs tested for Paternal Karyotype just in case he might be a carrier of something weird too. He wants me to come back in 6 weeks after I've miscarried everything and have healed to go over the results and see what we need to do and go from there. I might not need the septum resection surgery after all if we can't have children. I just can't believe we have this luck. It's just wonderful. I wonder what it's like to just get pregnant and have a happy healthy child? I wouldn't know.

And to make things even better, I am in my friends wedding in October and just found out that 2 of them are pregnant. Yippee. So fucking happy for them. Ugh so shitty.

Well until next update.


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  2. Hi. First of all, I am so sorry you are going through this. I know first hand how horrible this is. I have also had 3 MCs. I came across your blog and was wondering what tests you were going to do now? I am thinking of doing immunological tests, but not too sure as they are pretty pricey and honestly we have spent a small fortune in the last 3 years...

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