Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Wow, it's been awhile since I've updated but I definitely have some updating!

Since the last time I wrote, I had to get blood work done (my husband and I) and all of it came back normal!! So excited for that. Then, after we got the results from that, my doc said I'm good to go for my septum resection surgery. So, I had to wait for my cycle to start, and it just started on 10/26 so my surgery is scehduled for next week, 11/4!! SO ready to get this done and over with. I can't believe it's in a week! I'm kind of nervous but at the same time, I feel like it will be a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. 

I ended up having a psychic tarot card reading done and it was very helpful and informative. I don't take them too seriously but it made me feel better with our situation. She did mention that I will be pregnant in the first part of 2016 and she see's a boy. She also mentioned that there might be some hard times with my pregnancy but nothing to be worried about. I actually kind of figured that would be the case for me just because of all my other issues. Hubby and I have talked about having just one and done at this point. But, we really don't know what the future holds so we shall see. One child would be amazing at this point for us. 

It's been such a long, rough road and it finally feels like we are on a good path and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! Let's hope this is our answer! I will be updating once the surgery is completed!! Wish me luck!

Megan J

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