Friday, February 5, 2016

February 5th

So today is a hard funky day for me...2/5/13 I had a D&C for my 1st pregnancy due to a blighted ovum. And today, 2/5/16 would have been my due date with my 2nd pregnancy. I'm not a big fan of this date as you can imagine. And February in general. February of 2012 is when Hubs and I first started TTC. A lot has changed since then, let me tell you. I don't even remember who that person was. 

I had my follow-up HSG yesterday and it looks like I have a partial bicornuate uterus still. I will need to get the results from my doc but that's what it looked like while I was getting it done. It definitely looks WAY better than how it used to look, thats for sure. The procedure also didn't hurt as much as the first one and I'm thinking it has to do with no longer having that septum there. But, just a guess. 

So, as of right now, we will start TTC again and see what happens. I'm a little worried about it but not that much. I don't want to focus on the negative but man, is it hard not to. I'm guessing if there are any issues, I'm thinking if I do get pregnant, that the baby would be breech and I would need a c/s. But, if that's all the issues, I will take it!! LOL.

I will update once I hear from my doc the actual results. Here is a picture I found online of what my uterus looks like kind of. Can't believe it's been 4 years this month since we started TTC. What the hell...

Megan J


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