Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Next Steps....

Wow.....time sure does fly doesn't it??

Well, today was my first doctor's appt to take the next steps in this TTC process. I passed the 2 year mark of TTC and passed the 1 year mark (Feb 5th) of losing our Angel Baby. I can't believe it's been a year. AND I can't believe we don't have a baby yet. I never thought it would be this difficult to have a baby. Wow.

So, the doc appt was quick and easy. Basically, had to see the family doctor to get a referral. Need to get a bunch of blood work done, get a well woman exam done and then on to a fertility specialist. Hubby and I are ready for this journey and see where it takes us. I'm kind of not looking forward to this but it needs to get done. It sucks that this is how it has to be but can't do anything about it except get help!

So, tomorrow I will be getting the blood work tomorrow, will wait a few days and then schedule my Well Woman appt with my OB/GYN. Once I get the lab results back, I will get my referral for my fertility appt. I'm a little nervous about the cost because we aren't covered for infertility. :( 

David and I have discussed that we aren't quite sure about IVF or adoption. It is SO MUCH MONEY that we don't have and we honestly don't want to go that much into debt for a "maybe". We have come to the realization that if it isn't going to happen for us "naturally", then I think that might be the end of the TTC road. I feel like it just wasn't meant to be. 

But, I don't want to jump the gun just yet! I mean, I did get pregnant before damn it! So, I know it is possible. It's just taking WAY longer than it should. Hubby and I are ready now!! Come on Rainbow Baby!! 

So, until next time! I will update once I get the first fertility specialist appt going. Wish me luck!!

Megan J 

P.S. This is the picture I took on Feb 5th in memory of my Angel Baby. It just makes me feel at peace and know the baby is watching down over us and giving me hope!!

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